Monday, September 21, 2015


HCA fence cluster standards described within 1998 General Resolution 6 were enacted to maintain reasonably consistent fence types as replacements for failing unreinforced concrete block rear patio walls, to increase rear patio privacy, or to open up rear patio views.  The standard provides Members with five options: (a) no fence or wall, (b) up to a 6 ft. tall screen of shrubs on private property, (c) a wood screen fence with floating faceboards on edge, (d) a solid wood fence with floating edge-to-edge faceboards, or (e) a concrete block wall.  The example above is one partially-compliant example of the (d) solid wood fence option.

However, the HCA standard does not include an option for popular shadowbox designs with front-and-back alternating-surface faceboards like the example at left.  Therefore, shadowbox fences built after enactment of the 1998 HCA fence standards are not compliant and may be cited as violations during HCA and RA resale or other inspections unless otherwise approved individually by RA DRB.  Members should consult HCA General Resolution 6 for more information, official text, and compliant fence elevation and section drawings.