Saturday, April 27, 2013


To limit visual, acoustic, and financial impacts of Outdoor Mechanical Equipment on neighboring properties and property values, Fairfax County and Reston Association publish and enforce certain long-standing general codes and design guidelines, respectively.  To provide more specific protections within Hickory Cluster, to allow timely HCA review and feedback to RA, and based on recent RA DRB decisions involving Hickory Cluster homeowners, HCA is proposing new HCA General Resolution 15 to provide more specific guidance on installation and use of Outdoor Mechanical Equipment, including but not limited to heating and air-conditioning heat pumps and electrical generators. 

In addition, and in response to numerous HCA homeowner concerns about installation of various types, styles, and colors of exterior-mounted mailboxes inconsistent with original Goodman House design and construction, HCA is also proposing new HCA General Resolution 16 to provide specific guidance to Hickory Cluster homeowners on the installation of through-door mailslots and exterior-mounted mailboxes.

As required, the proposed new resolutions were read into April 17, 2013 HCA Board of Directors meeting minutes.  Following First Reading, they were published on this HCA official website on April 25, 2013.  Following Publication, discussion and a Hearing on the new proposed resolutions will be at the May 15, 2013 monthly Board of Directors meeting, typically held at the Reston Community Center at Lake Anne, at 7:30 p.m.  A brief Managing Agent report and Board Action on these new proposed resolutions are also planned for the May 15 Board meeting.  All HCA Members can attend and provide comments.