former official website of the goodman houses in reston, virginia, usa ... where community entropy, anarchy, and unenlightened self-interest collide with founding visions, modernism, architecture, and the common good
Friday, April 26, 2019
Reston RELAC LLC announced this week that they will be ready to start service to Hickory Cluster and most other customers as early as the second 80F day after May 1, 2019, rather than the State Corporation Commission tariff required start date of May 22. RELAC also started service early last year on April 29, 2018. The 2019 season operations start-up follows weeks of plant and distribution system preparations that began April 10. The SCC tariff season officially ends October 9 of each year, but RELAC has extended past service end dates due to unexpected warmer weather. UPDATE ... April 30: Since both May 2 and 3 are expected to be 80F+ temperature days, RELAC 2019 service will start at 12:00 noon on Thursday, May 2. Trapped pipe air is purged at the plant, so homeowners need not purge it from their home systems.