Friday, April 26, 2019


As part of a 2016 Tree Risk Assessment, the HCA Consulting Arborist identified numerous HCA trees clusterwide that were at high risk of failing and of impacting people or property upon such failure.  The assessment included large overgrown Tree No. 27 at overall High/Extreme risk at the south end of Block 2, and large overgrown Tree No. 31 at overall High risk at the north end, both Little Leaf Lindens in Common Area above-grade circular planters.  Large, weakened, co-dominant limbs prone to fracture and failure were major safety concerns. 

In addition, neighbors have complained for years about adjacent home wall, window, and roof damage; excessive debris clogging roof drains and littering plazas; roots damaging planters and creating plaza trip hazards; annual Aphid infestations and sticky honeydew attracting invasive ants to trees and homes; and unhealthy plaza black mold that required expensive annual power washing.  For each tree, recommended annual pruning and pest control would cost as much as $900 during remaining 15 year life, and almost $500 for immediate safety cabling of large branches. 

In 2012, HCA replaced five Block 2 Common Area invasive species Bradford Pear trees impacting resident parked cars.  In 2014, HCA replaced a large overgrown Block 3 plaza planter Sycamore tree causing similar adjacent homeowner and Common Area problems. 

In April 2017, HCA agreed to remove Tree No. 27 pending required RA DRB application completion and approval, and to further discuss action on Tree No. 31.  Earlier this month, the HCA Consulting Arborist again evaluated both Block 2 Linden trees and recommended that HCA replace them with smaller, lower maintenance trees more consistent with available building and planter space.  HCA agreed, and is currently completing RA DRB applications and contractor proposals for existing tree and stump removal, planter soil preparation, new tree replacement, and a first-year watering plan.  UPDATES ... May 15:  HCA received RA DRB approval to remove both Trees 27 and 31.  July 24-26:  Contractor removed both trees as authorized, with stump removal soon, and replanting option decisions still pending.