former official website of the goodman houses in reston, virginia, usa ... where community entropy, anarchy, apathy, and unenlightened self-interest collide with founding visions, modernism, architecture, and the common good
Monday, June 22, 2020
To help preserve remaining Hickory Cluster architectural integrity, and to help maintain and increase popular Mid-Century Modern resale property values, HCA requires RA DRB applications and approvals for replacing solid entry doors, solid balcony doors, sliding glass doors, fixed or operable glass windows, concrete block or wood rear patio fences and gates, and other original Goodman House as-built design elements and colors as documented in respective HCA governing documents and RA DRB Design Guidelines, even for some compliant proposed replacements. The application preparation and submission process also follows a number of important steps. To help HCA Members understand and successfully complete those steps during and after the 2018 RA Cluster Inspections, HCA developed the application process guide posted above. Note that the guide describes a best case scenario for a complete application, fully compliant project, and normal RA process times. In addition, RA recently updated their corresponding application form required for all DRB submissions by all RA homeowners. For more information, see the HCA website Governing Documents webpage for cluster-specific HCA General Resolution architectural standards that take precedence over RA guidelines, the more general RA DRB Cluster Housing Design Guidelines webpage, and the RA DRB application webpage.