former official website of the goodman houses in reston, virginia, usa ... where community entropy, anarchy, and unenlightened self-interest collide with founding visions, modernism, architecture, and the common good
Sunday, April 12, 2020
The University of Washington Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation, one of many international public institutes and programs substantially funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, provides useful projections updated almost daily on country-specific coronavirus pandemic metrics, and for individual states including Virginia. Based on April 9 data and continuation of preventive public health practices including those required by Virginia Governor Executive Order 53 and Order 55, IMHE projects an April 26, 2020 peak of Virginia hospital resource needs well within total available capacity, and a related early-mid June 2020 leveling of Virginia cumulative fatalities through August 4, 2020. For more information, visit the IMHE Virginia webpage. Note that you may need to access IMHE website content using a more current Google Chrome browser if your PC is running older MS Windows OS and/or MS Internet Explorer browser versions.