former official website of the goodman houses in reston, virginia, usa ... where community entropy, anarchy, and unenlightened self-interest collide with founding visions, modernism, architecture, and the common good
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
A Hickory Cluster resident found this fluffy, sandy-colored, blue-eyed, and ever-so-affectionate Ragdoll breed female on the footpath behind 11553-57 Maple Ridge Rd. in Block 2 yesterday evening at about dusk, uninjured but disoriented and distressed. She had not been seen there before and had no ID tag. To keep her safe from local foxes and other predators, freezing weather, and mowing crews, she is temporarily staying in a nearby cat-loving home with fresh food, water, and litterbox, and lots of attention. To return this sweetheart to her real home, call or text 703 405 9946 and describe her collar. UPDATE ... April 24: A happy ending. Her name is Luna, her relieved Coleson Cluster owner called and stopped by yesterday, and Luna is now back home with her family, hopefully never to be lost again.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
From RELAC LLC President Mark Waddell to customers via email this morning: "I hope everyone is staying safe. With the current stay at home directive it is very important to make sure our system is operational so our customers are able to use their A/C effectively. RELAC began the seasonal startup process on April 1. This year we are only using our regular staff for startup and not hiring any temporary workers. We made this decision to limit contact between our staff and outside help in order to keep our staff as safe as possible. Therefore the startup will take longer than usual. We will do our best to get everything up and running by the second 80 Degree day in May. If the RELAC team needs to do some work within your homes they will first ask if you are comfortable with them entering. They will wear gloves and masks to keep everyone as safe as possible. Our mask supply is getting low and we are finding it hard to find good replacements. If anyone has any information where to find masks to help us out, we be most appreciative."
Sunday, April 12, 2020
The University of Washington Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation, one of many international public institutes and programs substantially funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, provides useful projections updated almost daily on country-specific coronavirus pandemic metrics, and for individual states including Virginia. Based on April 9 data and continuation of preventive public health practices including those required by Virginia Governor Executive Order 53 and Order 55, IMHE projects an April 26, 2020 peak of Virginia hospital resource needs well within total available capacity, and a related early-mid June 2020 leveling of Virginia cumulative fatalities through August 4, 2020. For more information, visit the IMHE Virginia webpage. Note that you may need to access IMHE website content using a more current Google Chrome browser if your PC is running older MS Windows OS and/or MS Internet Explorer browser versions.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Due to coronavirus pandemic social distancing requirements and lack of available public meeting space, HCA has rescheduled the quarterly HCA Regular Meeting normally held at TWC Association Management offices in Herndon, VA to be held as a virtual public GoToMeeting. Virginia law requires public Property Owners Association meetings and Director votes. Members can attend from a computer, tablet, or smartphone via after downloading, installing, and running the GoToMeeting application. Or attendees can dial into the meeting via telephone at (646) 749-3129. Attendance also requires a 9-digit meeting security Access Code available to HCA Members via email request prior to the meeting from HCA Secretary Tom Drake at HCA Regular Meetings normally begin at 7:30 p.m. For more information contact HCA Secretary Drake.
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Effective Monday, April 6, to protect the health and safety of employees and customers during the coronavirus pandemic, in response to a recent surge in residential waste, and to align with new Fairfax County Solid Waste Management Program collection requirements, HCA curbside trash and recycling contractor Republic Services will temporarily modify the services it provides to HCA and other residential customers, as follows:
(1) For customers with carts, RS will accept cart contents only, and crews will not pick up waste outside of the cart
(2) For customers who do not have carted service, RS will accept waste placed in bags only, and bags cannot exceed 50 pounds
(3) Yard and bulk waste programs will be suspended
For additional information on related Fairfax County operational changes effective March 30, 2020, including those driving the RS temporary service modifications, visit the corresponding County webpage.
(1) For customers with carts, RS will accept cart contents only, and crews will not pick up waste outside of the cart
(2) For customers who do not have carted service, RS will accept waste placed in bags only, and bags cannot exceed 50 pounds
(3) Yard and bulk waste programs will be suspended
For additional information on related Fairfax County operational changes effective March 30, 2020, including those driving the RS temporary service modifications, visit the corresponding County webpage.
According to the NVRC Northern Virginia Waste Management Board, only about 10% of glass food and beverage containers are actually recycled in Virginia. Broken glass contaminates other more valuable recycled items such as cardboard and metals, abrasive broken glass damages processing machinery, and heavy glass increases transportation costs. To encourage and support more beneficial recycling, the Virginia Senate passed SB 218 during the 2018 General Assembly session to improve recycled materials reliability and supply during the next 10 years.
However, effective Monday, March 30, 2020, and in response to the coronavirus pandemic, Fairfax County removed all purple collection bins and suspended corresponding glass collection countywide until further notice. The County now asks residents to throw used glass containers into their trash, or bring glass to the I-66 transfer station or I-95 landfill complex. Regardless, residents should discontinue placing used glass in curbside recycling collections. In addition, the County closed the I-95 landfill complex for household hazardous waste and e-waste collection, but these services remain open at the I-66 transfer station. Secure document shredding events are also postponed until further notice.
Similarly, and according to a November 10, 2019 Washington Post article, residents should also discontinue placing plastic shopping and produce bags in curbside recycling because they tangle recycling equipment. Instead, plastic wrap washed to remove raw meat or other contamination, dry cleaning bags, shopping bags, zip-lock bags, and newspaper bags should be recycled in bins typically found outside most grocery stores. For more information, see the American Chemistry Council recycling webpage.
Pending coronavirus pandemic public health orders to the contrary and public meeting space availability, the 2020 HCA Annual Meeting of Members is scheduled for 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Saturday, May 23, 2020, in the Rose Gallery at the Reston Community Center Lake Anne. This is to comply with specific May meeting requirements of HCA 1993 Bylaws Article III, Section 1, unless a Bylaw is amended by a more than 2/3 vote of all Members in compliance with HCA Articles of Incorporation changes enacted by Members in 1993. TWC typically mails meeting information, Director nomination forms, and Proxy absentee vote forms to all HCA Members in late April or early May.
The following volunteer Director positions are slated for nomination and election in 2020 for which current Directors may be re-elected or new Directors elected:
(1) Two three-year 2020-23 full terms for current Block 1 Director Michael Smith and current Block 2 Director Jeff Ashley who are both completing 2017-20 full terms
(2) One two-year 2020-22 remainder term for former Block 1 Director Matt Collins who sold his Goodman House earlier this year and moved from Reston during his 2019-22 full term
(3) One one-year 2020-21 remainder term for former Block 1 Director Hillary Diebold-Carter who resigned from the Board in 2019 during her 2018-21 full term
HCA encourages interested Members to provide Nomination Form statements of interest and qualifications to TWC as soon as possible, but no later than 1:00 p.m. Friday, May 22, 2020, and to indicate if you would like that information posted on this HCA website. Or you can choose to be nominated at the Annual Meeting itself. However, HCA Members not in good standing as of May 22, 2020 are not entitled to vote either in person or by Proxy, or be nominated for a Director position.
Volunteer Directors of this non-profit, non-stock corporation are tasked by the original 1964 HCA Articles of Incorporation with maintaining and improving the Common Areas; enforcing covenants and restrictions; and assessing, collecting, and disbursing funds; all for the benefit of the property and peace, health, comfort, and safety of residents. Directors typically review budgets, proposals, and contracts; collaborate with other Directors, neighbors, and consultants to make critical decisions; and may provide hands-on project leadership. Directors must meet at least quarterly, but usually meet monthly. At whatever level, HCA welcomes your participation. HCA will also post any updates and the pre-meeting packet on this website.
April 22: As part of 2020 State Budget Bill HB29, the Virginia House and Senate enacted emergency legislation in Part 4: General Provisions, Item 4-0.01 Operating Policies, Paragraph g., allowing Virginia homeowners' associations to meet via electronic means without an otherwise required two-director physical quorum during states of emergency declared by the governor, as is the case now during the coronavirus pandemic, if the association complies with other requirements including member notice, access, comments, and minutes. This provides associations like HCA with an option to comply with specific bylaws meeting schedule and other requirements, as did RA at its videoconference annual meeting on April 30 instead of its planned April 14 physical meeting date.
April 29: HCA Directors decided to reschedule the 2020 HCA Annual Meeting from May 23 to September 19, 2020.
May 1: HCA advised Members of the Director meeting date change via a mailed written notice and a related Written Consent based on Virginia Nonstock Corporation Act Chapter 10, Section 13.1-865. entitled "Action without meeting of board of directors."
The following volunteer Director positions are slated for nomination and election in 2020 for which current Directors may be re-elected or new Directors elected:
(1) Two three-year 2020-23 full terms for current Block 1 Director Michael Smith and current Block 2 Director Jeff Ashley who are both completing 2017-20 full terms
(2) One two-year 2020-22 remainder term for former Block 1 Director Matt Collins who sold his Goodman House earlier this year and moved from Reston during his 2019-22 full term
(3) One one-year 2020-21 remainder term for former Block 1 Director Hillary Diebold-Carter who resigned from the Board in 2019 during her 2018-21 full term
HCA encourages interested Members to provide Nomination Form statements of interest and qualifications to TWC as soon as possible, but no later than 1:00 p.m. Friday, May 22, 2020, and to indicate if you would like that information posted on this HCA website. Or you can choose to be nominated at the Annual Meeting itself. However, HCA Members not in good standing as of May 22, 2020 are not entitled to vote either in person or by Proxy, or be nominated for a Director position.
Volunteer Directors of this non-profit, non-stock corporation are tasked by the original 1964 HCA Articles of Incorporation with maintaining and improving the Common Areas; enforcing covenants and restrictions; and assessing, collecting, and disbursing funds; all for the benefit of the property and peace, health, comfort, and safety of residents. Directors typically review budgets, proposals, and contracts; collaborate with other Directors, neighbors, and consultants to make critical decisions; and may provide hands-on project leadership. Directors must meet at least quarterly, but usually meet monthly. At whatever level, HCA welcomes your participation. HCA will also post any updates and the pre-meeting packet on this website.
April 22: As part of 2020 State Budget Bill HB29, the Virginia House and Senate enacted emergency legislation in Part 4: General Provisions, Item 4-0.01 Operating Policies, Paragraph g., allowing Virginia homeowners' associations to meet via electronic means without an otherwise required two-director physical quorum during states of emergency declared by the governor, as is the case now during the coronavirus pandemic, if the association complies with other requirements including member notice, access, comments, and minutes. This provides associations like HCA with an option to comply with specific bylaws meeting schedule and other requirements, as did RA at its videoconference annual meeting on April 30 instead of its planned April 14 physical meeting date.
April 29: HCA Directors decided to reschedule the 2020 HCA Annual Meeting from May 23 to September 19, 2020.
May 1: HCA advised Members of the Director meeting date change via a mailed written notice and a related Written Consent based on Virginia Nonstock Corporation Act Chapter 10, Section 13.1-865. entitled "Action without meeting of board of directors."
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