former official website of the goodman houses in reston, virginia, usa ... where community entropy, anarchy, and unenlightened self-interest collide with founding visions, modernism, architecture, and the common good
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Cellphone text from one HCA Director to another at 8:52 p.m.: "Well this is new! I was just sitting out on the patio and a good sized Black Bear just wandered down the path!" The bear was traveling from West to East along the Hickory Cluster central RA asphalt footpath behind Block 3 Goodman Houses. RestonNow also reported a North Reston bear sighting Saturday afternoon. The Fairfax County Police Dept. website provides information on Black Bears, and recommends that bear sightings be reported to the County Animal Protection Police at (703) 691-2131, or to the Virginia Dept. of Game and Inland Fisheries via the Virginia Wildlife Conflict Helpline at (855) 571-9003.