Wednesday, February 12, 2014


From Blade Runners earlier today:  "As you know, we are headed for what might be the largest snow event in the past four years. We will begin with plowing and shoveling, and ice control will follow.

Roadway plowing will begin in the early morning hours and continue during the day tomorrow. Expectations of a clear accessible lot at 7:00 a.m. tomorrow will not be realistic.  It is going to take multiple passes to control the snow accumulation.  We will target for a clear lot by the evening tomorrow.  Ice control treatment will be completed with a target of Thursday evening.

With heavier accumulations come a new set of client concerns.  We have found there can be a great distance between what we have been hired to do, and what ... residents expect.  It is my strong suggestion that you take the time to read the information that is on our snow site .  Please review the Frequently Asked Questions, Snow Plowing Equipment, How Can I Help , and Blade Runners Service Specs. 

 ... Residents will be home and shoveling their cars tomorrow.  Often their interaction with the driver slows our ability to work.  In addition, throwing snow from the parked cars into the roadway creates additional challenge.  Anything to help with these challenges is appreciated