former official website of the goodman houses in reston, virginia, usa ... where community entropy, anarchy, and unenlightened self-interest collide with founding visions, modernism, architecture, and the common good
Friday, December 6, 2013
HCA Members are encouraged to join the Board of Directors on Saturday and Sunday, December 14 and 15, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. to remove fallen tree debris and stack it near footpaths, to cut climbing vines choking cluster trees, and to clear overgrown brush from Hickory Cluster Common Areas. Temperatures should be cool enough to work hard in protective shirts and pants without overheating, Fall leaves have just been removed, and stacked tree debris will be removed within the following few weeks. Weather permitting, please join us to help improve the cluster grounds and meet your neighbors. Contact the HCA Director(s) representing your Block for more information.