Sunday, May 5, 2013


Thursday, May 23, 2013
7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Reston Community Center Lake Anne
Lake Anne Village Center
1609A Washington Plaza
Reston, VA 20190

This program will include individual 15-minute presentations and panel discussions on Architect Charles M. Goodman FAIA and Hickory Cluster by HCA Member Richard Speier; Architect Cloethiel W. Smith FAIA and Waterview and Coleson Clusters by HCA Director Ralph P. Youngren FAIA; Architect Louis E. Sauer FAIA and Golf Course Island Cluster by Barbara Naef; and work by Architects William J. Conklin FAIA and the late James S. Rossant FAIA within Lake Anne Village Center by Cheryl Terio-Simon. 

Reston Founder Robert E. Simon Jr. and Architect Bill Conklin will also attend a private Reston Historic Trust members-only wine and appetizer reception at the Reston Museum before the public program.

Public program admission is free, but space is limited.  Donations to Reston Museum are welcome.  For more information contact Reston Museum at (703) 709-7700 or visit